


蘿倫一項對化妝很感興趣,她也有化妝的天賦,對於甚麼樣的臉型適合甚麼樣的妝很有一套。於是她辭掉計程車行的工作,在eBay上賣化妝品。她找來一部廉價的錄影機,拍下自己畫眼妝的影片,上傳到YouTube, 而她因此成為了YouTbue紅星,她的影片以超過8800萬人次的瀏覽,並且有超過40萬的訂閱戶。



衛報(The Guardian)上的專欄與教學影片



Britain has a new celebrity. Her name is Lauren Luke, and she is shall I describe her? Not a film star, exactly. No, she is a video star, a YouTube video star in fact.

Lauren is 27. She lives with her mother, her 10 year old son, her sister, two nieces and five dogs in a little house in South Shields, in the north-east of England. Lauren used to work in a taxi office. She answered the telephone, and sent the taxis to people who wanted them. It was not work that she enjoyed. She found it very boring.

Lauren had always been interested in make-up. In fact, people told her that she was good with make-up - she understood what sort of make-up would look good on a particular face; or what sort of make-up to wear for different occasions. She decided to give up her job at the taxi company. Instead, she started to sell make-up on eBay, the internet auction site.

Now, men like me find make-up a complete mystery. Why do women want to paint their faces? Do they think that it makes them more attractive to men? Or do they do it to impress other women? I don't know. I am only a man.

And now Lauren has a weekly column in a national newspaper, and an American cosmetics company will soon start selling a range of Lauren Luke cosmetics. Lauren has come a long way from the taxi office. She is now famous. She is a celebrity.

There is a link on the website to Lauren's YouTube videos. Lauren speaks with a north-east of England accent, what we call a Geordie accent, but I think you will be able to understand quite a lot of what she says. In the background in the videos, you may hear the sound of snoring. That is one of Lauren's dogs, fast asleep.

Now, as I have told you before, Listen to English has an ambition to become a celebrity. If I am a celebrity, I might be invited to be on Strictly Come Dancing where I could dance with Cherie Lunghi and other beautiful ladies. Maybe I should get a video camera, and make videos of me cleaning my teeth in the mornings. I could put the videos on You Tube, and dentists everywhere in the world would see them. They would tell their patients to watch the videos, and before long I would be as famous as Lauren, and I would have my own brand of toothpaste. What do you think?

The story was taken from "Lauren's Eyes" at above-mentioned URL, which is an episode of Podcast, "Listen to English --- Learn English!  The copyright remains with Mr. Peter Carter, who is not involved, nor endorsed the produciton of this blog.

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